Thursday, June 26, 2014

Endless Summer and Nikko Blue Hydrangeas

Some random pictures of my 6 Endless Summer Hydrangeas (various shades of blue, purple, and one pink)  and some pictures of my Nikko Blues.

Update pictures:

Update Pictures:
Pictures of my 2 Nikko Blues

Monday, June 16, 2014

Invincibelle Spirit arborescens hydrangea

The Invincibelle Spirit is a pink version of the white flowering Annabelle.  Became available in garden centers in 2010.

Update: 6.16.14:

Update: 7.10.14:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Preziosa Serrata Hydrangea

Also know as a Mountain Hydrangea sometimes listed as 'Pink Beauty' was introduced in 1961.  Flowers takes on a mophead like appearance however it is listed as a Serrata.  Blooms start cream then light pink, green or lavender ending in crimson red.  The foliage transitions from green to burgundy red through Fall.  Stems are dark maroon red.

Update: 7.10.14:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Paris Macrophylla Hydrangea

(not to be confused with the smaller newer compact version:  Cityline Paris Bigleaf )

The original Paris was shown in France in 1928.  Large in bloom, floret, and leaf size this hydrangea prefers less sun.  I originally had it in front of the house and realized it was not thriving in its spot so I transplanted Paris to a shadier spot (even though it was not a preferable time in the season to transplant).  Within a day it adapted beautifully and was without any transplant shock.

The individual florets are curly and will continue to increase in size up to 2 1/2 inches!  The leaves are also large and a very dark forest green.   The flower heads can grow up to 9 inches wide!  One flower head can pass for a bouquet.

Update pictures: 6/16/14:  Large blooms.  Turning more pink than purple.  Blooms top heavy after rain especially and also recently transplanted.  Holding up with supports.

Update photos:

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Blue Deckle Serrata Hydrangea

I recently purchased this baby Serrata grown from cuttings with only 2 stems.  I will eventually transplant Deckle once it becomes established/increases in size.  Ph sensitive.  Recently planted, the blooms are pink.  Later blooms should be blue once the roots become more established in the surrounding soil.  It seems more leggy and less compact but this might just be a maturity thing.
  • Pale pink or blue lacecap blooms circling fertile florets
  • Small Scrub
  • Beautiful fall foliage 
  • Reaches 3 x 3 
  • Full sun with moist soil or part sun.

    Update pictures: 6.16.14

Blue Wave Macrophylla Hydrangea (mislabeled)

Label Incorrectly... This is not a Blue Wave hydrangea as those are lace caps and the bloom shown below is definitely a Mophead.  Will continue to call it Blue Wave for now.

  • Hydrangea Lacecap
  • Strong/Hardy grower in light shade
  • dark green gorgeous foliage 
  • Blue in acid soils 
  • Very round, neat "bush like" appearance 

Update: 6.16.14:
 Still seeing only one bloom.  May not bloom this year due to improper pruning by supplier, or nursary.  Still gorgeous though.  Pictures not giving justice.

Update picture: 7.2.14
This season may only produce one flower.  I purchased it in bad shape for a huge price cut so it did require some additional pruning.  I'm thinking that the color of the bloom is still affected by its original soil from the nursery.  Next year I'm trying for the darker blues that are responsible for its name Blue Wave.  However, it will take a few growing seasons to achieve the full blue.

Update: 7.11.14

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ayesha Macrophylla Hydrangea

  • Sometimes Fragrant.  
  • Petals look like "tiny spoons"
  • Blue or Pink Blooms depending on ph
  • waxy-like, narrower/pointy leaves
I stumbled upon on this Ayesha Hydrangea up in Scappoose OR.  It was the only Ayesha in a mass display of ill cared for hydrangeas from Means Nursery.  I wish I had take a picture as it was in real bad shape.  I spent a a few days removing damaged foliage and happy to say it has definitely turned the corner.  I'm excited to watch it bloom as I have never seen a Ayesha in bloom in person.  Here are a few springtime photos.

Update pictures:  6/16/14:  Starting to bloom:
Update Pictures:

Update: 7.9.2014:

Update 7.12.14:

Sadly it looks like the blooms are not forming the spoon-like appearance Ayesha is famous for.  Sometimes this happens in a mixture with other blooms.  Hoping that next summer will provide the cup like petals.